One thing that is always popular with the no deposit crowd is freerolls. I mean it’s nice and all going from poker room to poker room, casino to casino etc claiming no deposit bonuses. But really – unless we get extra lucky they’re just going to be for fun, right?
That’s where freerolls are good. For example for poker players – you are going to find hundreds of freerolls at poker rooms every day. Some will run once per day and will have a prize pool like $1,000 while other freerolls will run every hour with a miniscule prize pool of $100.
The problem with poker freerolls though is they are completely oversatured. I mean they’re something that have been around for YEARS and YEARS and that’s no good – there’s entire websites dedicated to them, and to monitoring when there are freerolls etc.
But here’s the next best thing – daily fantasy sports freerolls!
Not sure what Daily Fantasy Sports are? Then here’s an article Daily Fantasy Sports for Dummies that covers it very well. In summary:
– It’s fantasy sports.
– You pick a team, and then you get points based on how they do that week or day or whatever.
– For example on NFL Week 4 you pick a team JUST for that week. You get paid out after that weeks games are over.
– For NHL you pick players just for that DAY. So if there are 6 games that night you pick players from all 12 teams playing.
– You get a budget so you have to plan accordingly.
So yeah – it’s pretty damn fun – and the best part about it?
Lots and lots of freerolls and it’s something all no deposit bonus fans will want.
For example – let’s go check out FanDuel.com one of the best.
When there – you can choose “All Sports” and then “All Contest Types” – actually both of those are selected by default.
When you’ve did that, change the Entry fee to “Free”. Then it will only list freeroll fantasy tournaments.
There is a decent selection – NFL, NHL etc and they have a lot of prizes. They actually give away $15,000 every month in freerolls. It’s pretty damn sweet.
So head on over to Fanduel.com and check it out. If you want to play there too it’s super cheap – like they have $0.50 entries and $1 and $2.
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